Monday, July 27, 2009

Rock, Paper, Scissors

This is a simple child's game of choice, chance and risk. Many people know how to play this game. However, when I asked a friend of mine to collaborate with me, and asked her to play rock, paper, scissor to decide who went first, she told me she never knew how to play the game. I told her that my girls and I would teach her! So, here it goes:

There are three items represented by the hands: Paper, Scissors and a Rock

The first thing you are going to do is make a hand into a rock and place it on your second outstretched hand.

To begin the game, you first decide in your mind what item you are going to "be". Then someone says something like "Ready, set, go" or "One, two, three" to signal it is time to start. To start, you raise your rock hand and hit it into the outstretched hand three times. The first time you hit your rock hand down, you are going to say "Rock", the second time you hit it down you are going to say "Paper" (all the while keeping your rock hand in the rock position) and then, on the third hit, you are going to say the name of the item you chose to "be". You also change the shape of your hand to that item, as shown in the first picture.

Now, as you look at each others hands to see what has been chosen, the power and weakness of each item is revealed. For example:

The Rock can be covered by the Paper,

but it can crush the Scissors.

And, the Scissors can cut the Paper.

Should you both choose the same item, that game is considered "cat's" game, or null & void. Also, to make it fair, the game is usually played three times to give someone a 2 out of 3 win. It is as simple as that!


Janet Patrice said...

so this is really a Japanese Game - it goes like this

jung kem po
Iego ta sho
mo ichi do


thought I would give you a more culturally diverse look at this well known way to solve all disputes and or "who goes first" issues.

{sara} said...

You explained it so the pictures!

Micalanne said...

Thanks Janet!

bphay said...

You should write a book!