Friday, January 9, 2009

Christmas Day With My Babies

Why Do I Love These Kids So Much!?!

Cameron James - 10

Ashley Nichole - 15

Lauren Elise - 15

Bethany Marie - 17

See, they still like to sit on my lap! :)


jodi kay said...

Those are really sweet pictures! I love them! You look so good in them. Very cute kids too!

Anonymous said...

Um... you are all dressed and made up on Christmas morning. That's very un-Pedersonly of you. Or am I just assuming it's Christmas morning? And are they only sitting on your lap because they liked their presents, or they still waiting for presents and have to sit on your lap before they get them?

Micalanne said...

LOL! Un-Pedersonly of me! HaHaHa! I may have my nice jacket on, but underneath it was my favorite pullover sweatshirt.

It was Christmas Afternoon, at Grandma Child's house. We had just eaten a most delicious Mexican meal. And, believe it or not, my children love me - Go figure. Lauren actually sat on my lap most of the time we were there.

I was really sick that day. We arrived at Grandma's, I sat in that chair and never moved. Bart made me my dinner plate and served me.

bphay said...

Because it's like looking in a mirror! They look so much like you, except for Bethany - she is definitely the best of the Child side.

Micalanne said...

Jodi - thanks for the compliment; I was fishing for it! ;)

Barbie - Many people say she doesn't look like me; others "can't get over" how much she looks like me. Do you agree that her looks have not changed much from when she was little? If you had only met her today, you could still pick her out of a group picture from any of her younger years.

Joy :) said...

I love those pictures. They are all so cute. You do look so good in all of them. I think Bethany does look just like you.

Honestly like Seriously said...

you have such a cute family(:

Janet Patrice said...

can your twins look ANY MORE like YOU!!??

Really .... are you triplets?

Micalanne said...

Actually, if I either went black, or they went back to blonde, we Would look more alike; but, I'm not going black any time soon!

Thanks Joy!

That isn't a comment from Justine is it?!

Wendy Day said...

Those are some great pictures. I wish I lookes that good in the morning or any time for that matter. I agree with Aunt Barbie on the mirror thing. It's uncanny.

Jobi Niu said...

You're a HOT MAMA! Cute pictures! Your kids are so dang cute! It must run in the family ;) I wish I knew them better...

Micalanne said...

Jobi - I wish they knew YOU as well! Thank goodness for the internet so we can at least view pictures and read stories about each other! Love ya!