Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Too Gross For Pictures

I've been wondering how to tell you about my upcoming surgery (hysterectomy). But, I guess I just did it.

I've also wondered how to tell you that I haven't felt very good for a long time. I guess I just did that, too.

I don't have to wonder how to tell you that after several weeks recovery, I will be just fine! No more pain. No more dizziness. No more nausea. No more tiredness. I'll be back to being the Me-I-Used-To-Be. I will be running, cooking, cleaning, driving, shopping, working, studying, traveling, creating and playing again - Just you wait and see!

In the meantime, I was wondering if you could remember me, and those who are very close to me, in your Prayers every once in a while?! Please?! Some of my loved ones are worried/scared. I just want them to be peaceful. They don't know that I will be just fine.

Thanks! :)

Much Love To You From Me!


jodi kay said...

You will be in our thoughts and prayers for sure! You will be great! Hopefully we will be able to keep updated on your recovery somehow.

Joy :) said...

When are having it? I have heard of quite a few people that have had it. They have all felt great afterward. Prayers and thoughts will be with you.

{sara} said...

WHEN is this? You let me know if you need anything! Or, if you just want something....ring a bell...my bell...you have my digits! You better ring!

Micalanne said...

I just learned this morning that the date is Feb. 3rd! Yay!

dawnae said...

Oh I wish I was there to help you! I sure hope everything goes well, and that you will be chipper real soon!

Janet Patrice said...

Done. Prayers floating through the universe to you.

Jobi Niu said...

YOu'll for sure be in our thoughts and prayers as well. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

You don't need a surgery for me to pray for you. I do that anyway (cuz you need it). Just yank that stuff out of you and start your new life as a man. Oh, I forgot, you get to keep an ovary. OK, half man, half woman.

Micalanne said...

Judy - As my name suggests. How prophetic are our parents. I would need to change the spelling though, from Micalanne to MichaelAnne.

Micalanne said...

Thanks Everyone! I Am So Loved! That's nice to know!

bphay said...

Aren't you doing all that now? It sounds like your post-recovery will be very much like your pre-recovery! I know your Mom is quite worried about you (& feeling a little guilty, even tho she could not change it). You are always in my prayers, but I will be a little more specific now. I want you to feel better, all better! You are very precious to your very large family, and very much so to your Aunt B.

Micalanne said...

No way Aunt B! I have been a minimalist since New Years. Running simple errands wears me out.

If Mom would listen to me, she would know there is nothing to feel guilty about, at all. Maybe in Heaven she won't be so stubborn! ;)

bphay said...

Dream on! We take everything we are here with us when we go there. That's why we have to work so hard here to be closer to what we need to be there. Get it? Mom will always be moms, feeling guilty when their children have problems. Believe me, she learned from a pro!

Anonymous said...

Oh, is this from all the drugs Mom took when she was pregnant with you?

Anonymous said...

Good one - about your name.

Micalanne said...

Lest we make anyone think our Mama was a drug-y, I will explain and say that she took a drug called DES in an effort to prevent miscarrying me.

Eventually they learned that not only did this drug do nothing to prevent miscarriage, it caused a lot of birth defects to reproductive organs of the fetuses. These defects in the DES daughters actually cause them to miscarry and have premature births i.e. almost miscarrying Bethany early in the pregnancy & the premature birth of Lauren & Ashley, and Cameron even - I did not carry him to term - but long enough that he his gestational age was far along enough that he was fine.

I have always known about the effects of this drug. And that there is a higher chance that I will develop reproductive cancer. In fact, the reason we are moving forward with the hysterectomy is that I am in a state where cancer will develop if I do nothing and allow time to pass, making it a "Perfect Storm" for it to develop.

So after the hysterectomy is done, we will have to wait for pathology results to see if there is cancer, and if we have to continue with further treatment.

That is a scary thing for anyone who is new to this information to consider, but I am not scared. (I have been pro-active in taking care of things as soon as I noticed changes in an effort to Prevent cancer; instead of waiting for it to get here, then have to fight it. That would be dumb.)

Should they say I have cancer and have to do chemo or radiation, I still won't be scared. There is a great purpose to life challenges. I will learn some really great lessons that will not only make me a better person, but also allow me to "succor" anyone I come across, who is burdened by life, much better than if I had not gone through it.

And, dare I say it, if I do have cancer and I die, that is Not the worse thing that could happen - Truly - it's not. It just means it's time for me to get home to start on my eternal chores.

But, that's something we don't need to spend too much time on unless we get icky pathology results. ;) All is well...

Susan said...

My thoughts, prayers and love are with you. You'll do great, just remember to take it easy for a while. Let the kids and Bart tend to your needs.
If the surgery was just because, not to help prevent a problem, I would have said to just let Bart get the snip, snip!

bphay said...

You make my heart sing! You have such a wonderful attitude. No one could ever say you are dumb! We will help you with this challenge -what ever it will be (& I do pray it will be only to help you with early hot flashes & mood swings) - every step of the way! Love you mucho!

abramgrlz said...

I can tell you I have been there and done that. The recovery was crazy. You start feeling better and really are sick and tired of not being able to do anything but it is sooooo very important NOT TO DO ANYTHING TO EARLY. believe me the laundry dishes vacumming and running errands will always be there for you but if you do stuff to early the recovery will be worse. Love you and hope you feel the best you can. I am so glad I did it it is amazing to feel so different now.

LaRae said...

Micalanne - I hope that you recover quickly from surgery & that all will be well! Take care & you are in my prayers!