Monday, January 5, 2009


...don't be jealous of my New Year's Eve Date!

Bart missed Midnight. I was looking for someone else to Kiss, but couldn't decide on my options!

Just kidding.

Really, I AM just kidding.


Janet Patrice said...

are you sure he wasn't just praying and thanking God for such a wonderful wife? His arms are folded, afterall.

Micalanne said...

Janet ~ you are by far the smartest. I was hoping someone would pick up on that without me having to come right out and say it. :)

Anonymous said...

That cell phone on his lap is so typical. Funny.

Micalanne said...

...and the water bottle by his side.

jodi kay said...

Oh that is so Rob! It drives me crazy!!!! He does that every year. I made him promise this year he would stay awake til midnight. I guess he has an excuse since he works all day, but still!

bphay said...

At least you had a date.

Micalanne said...

Jodi - Bart has been getting up between 3:45-4:15 and not getting home until 7:00-8:00 since the beginning of November. He is such a hard worker. It was only 9 o'clock when I took this picture! Poor guy.

Barbie - I shall never complain again. ;)

bphay said...

Good, now go give him a kiss
and tell him how grateful you are that he works so hard for his family.

Micalanne said...

Yes, Auntie B, I will.

I wasn't really complaining. He only missed his Midnight kiss...