Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What Comes First...


jodi kay said...

That gives me a headache to think about. It is very cute though!

Anonymous said...

You got me there.

Joy :) said...

Well, since everyone ends that with saying "the chicken or the egg?" I am gonna have to go with the chicken.

Jamie said...

I say the chicken. BockBOck

Anonymous said...

Mic, is that one of your chicks?

{sara} said...

The CHICKEN...and it's very cute!

Micalanne said...

Si, JLP. But not from the original batch. This one is from the new batch we got on Friday. We got 6 new little ones that look just like this one. I don't know what kind they are. Bethany picked them up for me but she can't remember what they are called. They will be black and white striped when they grow up. We got these because two from the original batch didn't make it. One had a weak leg and a crooked beak - the others trampled her flat - literally. And another one was taken out of its bin from some kind of critter and half eaten. Ewww! So, we'll see how many of these make it. Our goal is 12 laying chickens and 1 rooster. I believe one of the original batch is a rooster - time will tell on that one.

Anonymous said...

Nature is very violent.

bphay said...

That is tooooo cute! Roosters are so funny when they go through puberty (do roosters go through that?) They practice crowing and their voice cracks just like a teenage boy!! Our neighbors had one that woke me up every morning. I got so I really liked waking up to a good laugh.

Janet Patrice said...

I was wondering what kind of chickens would be black and white so I did a search. I didn't find out, but here is a link to a cute blog about a farm and their chickens...hope you enjoy it!


Micalanne said...

Barbie that is so funny! I hope the one I think is a rooster really is a rooster just so I can have a good laugh, too!

Thanks, Janet - I will certainly look that up!

LaRae said...

way cute! how can chicks be so cute & chickens so dang ugly?

Micalanne said...

HaHa LaRae! I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder!