Wednesday, July 2, 2008

...And Then There Were Eight!


{sara} said...

Wow- you're a busy mommy!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you have gone forth and multiplied.

jodi kay said...

Wow! They have grown so much. How much longer till you can have eggs?

Micalanne said...

Wow! ;)

The 4 big ones will be ready to lay sometime after Labor Day. The 4 black ones will be ready the first week of October.

Micalanne said...

I think the one in the left upper corner is a rooster though - it's a meanie sometimes!

Wendy Day said...

What fun!!! Who takes care of them? If you have a rooster, does it wake you up at the crack of dawn?

jes abe said...


i just wanted to fit in w/ everyone else :p

Micalanne said...

Wendy - I usually take care of them, but the rest of the family will help if I ask them to. Even if the meanie is a rooster, I don't think it'll wake us up because they are way in the back of the yard. I doubt we'll hear him.

Jes - Wow! So glad you could join us!

Jamie said...

Well, I don't like roosters. They scare me. Keep the meanie away from the youngin's.

Micalanne said...

HaHaHa Jamie! Mine doesn't scare me; he's afraid of me because I spank him good when he gets near the babies! ;)