Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fall Festival 2008

Who would've thought the last Saturday in October would be so Warm?! Our Ward Activities Director, Denise Zuniga, and her committee sure didn't. As they planned for the "Old-Time Fall Festival", the need for warm soups and hot apple cider was anticipated; however, we do live in California, the land of Never-Ending Sunshine. So, when the day of the Festival arrived - without a chill in the air - we left our jackets at home and gathered at the Child Family Residence to eat, visit, play and dance.

The Fun Began with the Arrival of Laura Beckstead's Mickey-O-Lantern!

As you will see, the Face Painting Booth was quite popular -

Abby Freestone & Alyson West preferred designs that enhanced their natural beauty.

Sara Miskin & Megan Riley succumbed to artist Jack Moser's creepy influences.

Which are the results of the company he keeps.

Meanwhile, Becca Moser spent quality time teaching her clients not only the correct techniques of applying face paint, but the deeper meaning of life ~

Who then used this message to relieve the concern of others.

"Sydney, do you think this pink heart matches my outfit?" asked Bishop Adams. "Yes, Bishop," Sydney replied, "but you must remember that beauty comes from within!"

Along with the face painting booth, we also had a ring toss, fishing, ping-pong fish bowls, football toss, bean-bag toss, nerf gun shooting gallery, & eat-a-hanging donut.

With great form, Max Bogh not only knocked the cans down, he knocked them out of the corral!

Ryan Thorpe and Cameron Child worked hard at synchronizing their tosses.

Perfecting the donut hang required much effort ~ and many trial bites ~ but Cody Christensen and Robert West didn't mind.

After everyone had their turn at the games, and filled their tummy's with delicious soups, rolls, and pumpkin pie, Scott Riley fired up the sound system to call some Square Dancing for the whole gang.

They danced...

...and danced...

...and danced...

until some people pooped out.

This loss of frivolity caused great concern for President Miskin.

He was afraid the pooped-out dancers - like Dan Hull and his sons, Joshua & Jacob - were going to leave.

The other dancers followed President Miskin's lead and waved at them to come back and dance some more.

(Meanwhile, no-one was aware that whether they wanted to leave or not, they couldn't; Aaron Thorpe had lit a fire blockade to prevent anyone from leaving the property ~ Bless those Scouts!)

Yet, even with the invitation from the dancers, and fervent pleading from Kari Bogh, some people - like Susan Freestone, Dillon Giles & Dallon Nichols - simply didn't want to dance. They just wanted to eat their cotton candy.

After much discussion among all the people,

it was Paula & Jimmy Ferguson who were influential in forming the opinion that the Dancers Demise came from none other than - The Warm Weather.

Mishayla Nichols agreed!

So did Lana Nichols. She declared, "It's All Good!!"

From that point on, all the Happy Dancers

continued their Stomping and Hoo-Hawing into the night.

Yes, it can be said that "A Good Time Was Had By All!"

Mark Beckstead, Carlos Zuniga

Rose Thornton

Luis Carrillo

Jaylin Nichols

Ryan Riley

Kylie Christensen

Becky Goodson, Dallen Nichols, Scott Litel, Cory Nichols

Brett Christensen

Suzi Litel

Robert West

Lexi Christensen

Robert Bogh, Tyler Hastain

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