Friday, May 16, 2008

It's Official...

...Sextuplets for us!


{sara} said...

O.K., you can't just post something like that without explanation! I'm thinking a dog or cat had babies? I'll be checking back...OFTEN...for an explanation!

Joy :) said...

Yeah, you can't trick us. Give us the low down.

nccmrm97 said...

and to think you couldn't have any more. what fun this is! =)

jodi kay said...

What? I'm betting on dog's.

Anonymous said...

Chicks, man.

Wendy Day said...

I'm betting on bunnies!!! So who is right or are you going to keep us all in suspense even longer?

Micalanne said...

Judy, how did you know? 5 girls and possibly 1 boy!

Anonymous said...

I just knew

jes abe said...

chicks like baby chickens? where do u get chickens?