Ashley is my 3rd daughter. She is awesome! And I love her very much! She is a survivor with a very strong will. Thank goodness! It was this willfulness that kept her alive on several occasions as a very sick newborn. Because of her weakened lungs the first few years of life, she had difficulty breathing during long periods of exertion. But that never stopped her... it just slowed her down a bit. For example, while Trick-or-Treating at age 2, she walked up and down the hilly streets of our neighborhood filling her purple plastic skeleton with all the sweet treats offered her when all of a sudden she simply sat down. Why? Well, she was tired and had gotten all the treats she needed. She was done. Consequently, so were the rest of us. No amount of coaxing, pleading, or bribery (she had all the candy she needed) would get her to move! Her dad carried her home so she could catch her breath and enjoy the rest of her Holiday.
Nowadays, Ashley's "will" presents itself in her independence, her outlook on life and in her own sense of style. Case in point, Bart and the kids took me to the Norton Museum for my birthday a few years ago. When we were viewing the sculptures of ancient peoples, Ashley walked around the room with her hands on her hips, then proceeded to explain how the exhibit should have been laid out to make it more visually appealing through the utilization of the large picture window looking out on the garden. And you know, she was quite right!
Ashley has always been a conscientious student. And in a few short weeks, she will complete the 8th grade and be a true blue 9th Grade FRESHMAN!!! Watch out HIGH SCHOOL! Ashley can hardly wait to get to the 9th grade campus!!! (We have a 9th grade campus and a main campus for the 10th, 11th, and 12th graders) With the beginning of High School, Ashley will also attend early morning seminary. However, that doesn't seem to be a part of her conversation as much as high school is... Because of my very loving motherly nature, I just say, "Too bad Missy, like it or not, you're going!" :) I'm very excited for the next few years of life for my Ashley! She is going to be a great asset to her school and friends, and she will have a Great Time! I Love You, Missy! Go Get 'Em!
Ashley, enjoy your time in high school. Make lots of lasting memories. Treasure & make the most out of every day of your high school experience. Then you'll be able to reflect on your experience with no regrets.
By the way Micalanne she is very BEAUTIFUL!!! as are the rest of your children
I love that girl to pieces!
Another one of your brilliant daughters! Man you guys gotta save some for the rest of us. She is adorable too! (so is her twin)
And Jamie says you must not love her cause you don't have her added to your contacts.
All of your girls are so cute. They look just like you. I love getting to know them through your blog.
she has the cutest haircut! i love her style, very cute and different. at least from the all abercrappy girls up here ;)
I have to agree with Wendy, Ashley (though you probably don't know me!) Enjoy H.S. while you can, it goes by way to fast.
Jamie you're right!I can't love her until she actually creates her own blog. She refuses and is a very naughty girl!
Micalanne, I'm sorry I didn't make myself very clear. Jamie means you don't love Jamie cause she isn't on your contact list. Maybe you didn't know she had a blog. I wouldn't say anything mean like that about you not loving your daughter, but Jamie can cause she is a twin and they can say things like that about another twin. Even though she didn't even say it, she probably would say something like it. Joking of course! Is that really confusing?
LOL Jodi! All is well! I like to tease and joke a lot myself; probably too much! I love Jamie very much and will put her (and Wendy) on my list of blogging buddies right away! Am I missing anyone else?! :)
She has a way cute style.. I want a daughter!! :)
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