Friday, May 30, 2008

Me & My Girls!

I've done a lot of posts about the girls in my family for the simple reason that we rule the house! (Our dog is even a girl, Miss Majesty, aka Maggie) However, I will be posting about the boys in the family. I'll be getting pictures of them as soon as my nails are dry and they get done with all the chores! ;)


Joy :) said...

VERY cute! Can't wait to hear about them boyz.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

By the way, I'm surprised you trusted us with your girls last night after last time ...

Jobi Niu said...

You guys are hotties!!

Wendy Day said...

Your girls are so adorable. I loved hanging out with them @ grandma's party. So did my kids. Thanks girls!!!

bphay said...

Your girls are the best! I'm so glad Lauren & Ashley talk now. So many years, I wasn't sure they knew how. And, those smiles - all three of them have $1,000,000 smiles.